FIRST team schedule
The 1999 US FIRST compitition
Last years and this years robot
Results from Previous Competitions
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The Official FIRST Web Site

The Bradford County, Pennsylvania Web Site

News on our teams progress in the US FIRST project.

1/18/99-Season underway once again. Starting to design a new robot. Having some good ideas, but nothing carved in stone yet. Web site getting worked on again(obviously).

1/25/99-Continuing to proposed various ideas for various parts of the robot. Weeding out bad ones. Looking for more money.

1/27/99-Ideas taking more-or-less final shape, as fundraising and public relations continue unabated. Plans for a benefit dance are underway.

1/27/99-Floppy handling and lift still in planning stages, base is fairly set. Public Relations continue unabated.

1/27/99-Entering the prototype phase of construction.

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